Tuesday, April 25, 2006


Quizá la conversación en la que decían cosas sobre algunos famosos, esa que cotilleaste ayer en la mesa del Starbucks, era la que estaba pagada por Starbucks para que tuvieses algo interesante que contar a tus amigos más tarde y para animarles a ir...

Quizá el que te preguntó si conocías un restaurante indio cerca de tu casa...

Quizá la bronca de ayer en la Puerta del Sol, entre dos chicas a la greña por un bolso Vuitton que una no le devolvió a la otra...

O tu madre, cuando te dijo lo bien que le sienta tomarse esa infusión digestiva...

Quizá todos esos casos ya eran 1PSS: 1 person sponsored shows... actos realizados por una o dos personas para promocionar una marca o servicio concreto, de persona a persona, de persona en persona. Con un único y privilegiado espectador.


Maybe the conversation about celebrities you eavesdropped yesterday at Starbucks was just "sponsored" by Starbucks itself to give you some juicy information to tell your friends and tell them to go there next time...

Maybe the one who asked you whether you knew about an Indian restaurant near your house too...

Maybe the row between those two girls at Puerta del Sol (Madrid) about a Vuitton handbag, that one girl didn't give back to the other...

Or maybe your mother yesterday night, when she told you how good feels for her to take that particular digestive tea.

Maybe all those were already new cases of 1PSS: 1 person sponsored shows.... promotional acts carried out by one or two people to promote a brand or service, from one to one, one by one... With just a single privileged member of the audience.


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